Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mild Cognitive Impairment or MCI

This article is excerpted from the John Hopkins medical website. "Forgetfulness. It's pretty much guaranateed to catch up with you at some point in time." When does normal forgetfulness end and MCI begin? "Unfortunately, the question is difficult to answer. Because MCI is of intense interest and a topic of ongoing research,..." MCI is memory loss that is more severe than would be expected in a person of a particular age and educational level.
Forgetfulness is typical of normal aging. MCI has a little more decline in memory than is usually seen with normal aging. So be kind to your elders...and to ourselves.


At June 12, 2008 at 8:12 AM , Blogger Arleen said...

I could really relate to this. It is difficult to remember and retain information as you get older. I believe that you have to work harder on your memory. I constantly have to write everything down or I forget it. I am learning more and more techniques to alleviate these problems. I have read that you should always put an item, like your keys, in the same place all the time so you can find them easier. Oh well!

At June 19, 2008 at 3:25 AM , Blogger Rosalind The Second said...

As I am getting older I find that memory is not as good. I am also noticing that it is also happening to people at a younger age. I guess we all have to be patient with each other.


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