Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Newsweek-Indiana U.-recognized for info.tech.

Four years after being named times magazine's College of the Year, Newsweek has recognized the univ. for its emerging technologies.
Editor Jay Matthews states, "Intel ranked it first among U.S. universities for wireles connectivity." This college is creating a buzz for its success.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Thank you for introducing our class to BLOGGING. I liked researching topics on the subject of reading. I have learned from the researched articles, therefore blogging is beneficial for knowledge and sharing your knowledge with others.

Edison School,NJ honored for reading program

The newspaer article mentioned above was in the HNT on 6/17/2008. The Martin Luther King School was placed on the state list for warning for lack of language arts skills in their school. The teachers implemented The 180 Reading Program, which was successful in improving passage of the state test. Every child in the Read 180 program--all students who had struggled in reading--passed the state test. The school district now has Read 180 at 4 of its 11 elem., all four middle and both high schools. The school was recognized htis past week as a "Platinum Performer" for its success in raising test scores.
This program via the computer targets the individual strengths and weaknesses of each student through self-directed software and small group instruction. Teachers assist the students when necessary for instruction. The teachers stay after school and analyze each child's performance.
Bravo to these dedicated teachers!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Big Question: What is the best way to teach reading...?

According to this website, it is still controversial whether to teach reading phonetically or by whole words. This November, 2007 article also considers what is the right age to implement reading to our youngsters.
Some believe that decoding the language will speed up reading, but it is questionable regarding students' understanding/comprehension. Others believe whole word reading should be discarded.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rutgers U. summer reading ed./double reading speed

Rutgers Univ. Summer Reading Development Programs
The program gives students the opportunity to IMPROVE all components of reading skills. Students double their reading speed, improve comprehension and vocabulary, and learn strategies to enhance their full potential.
This in particular program for 6th-8th graders meet once a week on Saturdays for 2 hours for 5 weeks. Tuition is $329.00, 6/21-7/19.
I searched for a near location for this blog--St. Thomas School, Old Bridge, NJ
I would like to learn the results of this program, so I may check with the above school.

The Reading Crisis

According to Dr. Jeanne S. Chall, the great Harvard researcher, in her book, The Reading Crisis - Why Poor Children Fall Behind, wrote "The needs of low income children are not essentially different from those of children from middle class homes." Her text reflects that every child is responsive toward a rich program of science, geography and the arts. Students in inner city to those in privileged schools respond similarily to real things and absorb new knowledge such as castles, glass making, early civilizations, and so forth.
Chall suggests, "What they want is to be exposed to real knowledge and new ideas with which to furnish their minds."

Grasping at Educational Straws

Small schools vs. large schools? Small classes vs. larger classes? Central organization vs. decentralized organization? Charter schools vs. neighborhood public schools?
"All these controversies reflect a misguided understanding of the educational mission. Research is mixed on all the above questions."(Rose) According to Rose, the most important aspect comes down to a good curriculum and a qualified teacher, all else is unimportant.
I researched this article on 6/1/2008, typed for professor

Reading Gets Wired (technoculture)

A Norwegian sketch-comedy show called "Middle Ages Tech Support," is about a medieval monk who complains about something called a "book", the monk is upset, he states, "it takes longer to turn the pages" compared to the scrolls.
The Sony Reader can hold about 80 average length novels to be read on an electronic screen. The technology world believes it is the fate of all media to shed their analog past and transubstantiate into pure data. Newspapers are becoming websites, photos are becomingJPEG's and songs are becoming MP3s.
But what does this digital awakening mean for the book?
My perspective on this is, I believe books will be around for awhile.

Reading Gets Wired (technoculture)

symptomatic reading

In literary studies, symptomatic reading is one of the most critical methods. Symptomatic reading is defined as a surface and depth model of interpreting the reading text's accurate and true meaning of what the text does and does not state. The subliminal gaps and exclusions become evident clues to the reading material's absenteeism and determination structures. The reading critic must therefore reconstruct or imagine the "other scene" for example, the time in history.
"In The Political Unconscious(1981), Jameson defines the symptom as that"whose cause is of another order of phenomenon from its effects"(26) and states that what is most "interesting in a text is what it represses(49). Interpretation"always presupposes, if not a conception of the unconscious itself."(60) Repression in terms of which it would make clearer sense to construe a latent meaning behind an obvious meaning.
The above educational topic, Symptomatic Reading and Its Discontents
On June 1, 2008, I read this article and typed it for our professor, since blogging wasn't going through yet.
(I wanted to review an article from Princeton University and to "stretch" our comprehension and learning ability to a higher level mode of thinking."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mild Cognitive Impairment or MCI

This article is excerpted from the John Hopkins medical website. "Forgetfulness. It's pretty much guaranateed to catch up with you at some point in time." When does normal forgetfulness end and MCI begin? "Unfortunately, the question is difficult to answer. Because MCI is of intense interest and a topic of ongoing research,..." MCI is memory loss that is more severe than would be expected in a person of a particular age and educational level.
Forgetfulness is typical of normal aging. MCI has a little more decline in memory than is usually seen with normal aging. So be kind to your elders...and to ourselves.


I have a bookmark that says....
role model

Started blogging from my home computer, a new computer--wanted to start it up blogging-yesterday, it didn't work because of cookies, so it had to be unlocked. The computer whiz/friend said go on the tools button.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Since doing a lot of school work for our class, I decided today to go swimming in our pool. It was most refreshing, more than words can say. A long time ago a professor said, you need to look forward to doing something fun after doing homework.
I used to be a competition diver and swimmerso swimming is like going home.

Reading lesson plan

I enjoyed the second lesson plan. I feel I am becoming more creative. I searched the Dover School website and found How To Draw Flowers. So I submitted the worksheet on how to begin to learn flower drawing of daffodils to the lesson plan for a fun activity(no grade.)

To me at first, lesson plans seemed to be too much, but after reviewing several plans you finally get the hang of it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Approaches to Reading Instruction

Dear GE570,
In our textbook, Creating Literacy, I liked learning approaches to teaching reading.

My respose to the anticipation guide, was that I would take the Interactionist's approach to teaching reading.

I want to see if this blog goes through and is posted.